Thursday, February 18, 2016

A very Arty week at Raha

Our students have had a week full of events and achievements, which again has given our community reasons to be very proud.

Wild Wonders in Grade 5

The Grade 5 Students here at Raha International School have been selected to compete in the 'DSWF Schools' Global Canvas Competition 2016'. The aim of this competition is to raise awareness for wildlife and the environment. The Grade 5 students developed the following rubric:
1. Develop a detailed plan for their work (meaning)
2. Choose materials (watercolor, collage, pencil drawing)
3. Present work to their peers
4. Peer selection committee (choose work that will represent the school)
The work is currently being displayed on the second floor of the PYP building. (Mr Mark Ryan PYP Visual Arts Teacher)

Osman - 5AW  (Member of the Selection Commitee) Osman was part of a team of 12 Raha students that chose the work that was entered in the contest.

"I enjoyed sharing my opinion about the students artwork. I didn't want work to be chosen because people were friends with a particular student (artist). I chose work based on the message and meaning in the work. It was a great experience."

Meanwhile in grade 10,
27 Grade 10 Visual Arts students have been studying the Hand of Fatima as part of their Islamic studies. From their research they have trialed a number of designs and perfected these into clay low relief sculptures. Intricate details were combined with bright colours to be assembled in a wall installation. We will assemble the hands on a feature wall in the new Performing Arts complex this year. Our students  enjoyed working in this newly introduced medium and many produced a second sculpture for themselves building on their skills from this experience. (Daniela Parkinson  - DP/ MYP Visual Arts teacher)

Finally, the theatre is also getting in on the act by receiving its first coats of paint and beginning to blend in with the other buildings surrounding it. Have a look and see for yourself! The first pictures was taken on the 8th February 2016 and the second on the 19th February 2016.

Now for fact of the week!

'When the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, the empty space it left on the wall attracted more visitors than the painting had'.

Quote of week - "A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not" (Leonardo Da Vinci)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

International Raha

Hello Raha Community,

I thought that this week's blog should include a picture which best represents the international essence and future of the School. This is the Auditorium providing the backdrop on International Day 2016. The future holds many opportunities for the Auditorium to take a leading role in the celebrations to come.

This blog's quote has been inspired by International Day. In the words of Mark Jacobs, "I really do believe that art changes the landscape of the world".

Fact for the Day - Warner Music collected over U.S Dollar 2million in royalties in 2008 alone for public usage of "The Happy Birthday song". The original lyrics were "Good Morning to you". is this the most translated song ever written?