Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Peak behind the scenes!

Just before the rain took centre stage, the Arts team and some of the Senior Leadership team had a chance to peak behind the scenes and this is what we saw.

 The Foyer/Gallery Space!

The Drama studios!

The Art Studios!

The Music Studios!

The Music Practice Rooms!

The Black Box Theatre (my personal favourite)

The spacious corridor!

The Basketball roof courts!
 (The Star of the Show) The Auditorium with the lighting and Sound Box at the far end!

I found this quote which I thought was very appropriate as not long after our walk through the dust in our new building, the rain began to fall: 

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls"  Pablo Picasso

Thank you and see you next time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Auditorium takes a great leap...year!

Last week during the ADEC inspection, it was highlighted in the verbal feedback sessions, that the inspection team felt an obvious strength of the school was the creative and performing arts and they made reference to the performances held in the main piazza.

The Jazz Band  and Dance Team put on a little show at lunch time  and our esteemed guests were suitably impressed,  which was wonderful.  We know how talented they are but it is always nice to get recognition.  If this is the response we are getting now, just imagine what is to come once the Auditorium and Arts Center is open.

On another note, it was a pleasant surprise to drive past Raha at the weekend and see our Auditorium having its final coat of paint and blending in with the surroundings. During the Car Park renovations  the whole school is arriving  on the same side of the campus and therefore getting a daily glimpse of the progress of the building.  I am sure the Auditorium is enjoying being centre stage and taking a leading role in your daily drop off and pick up.

This term we have introduced new Drama ECP's for lower and upper primary and they are busy working on productions of "The Gruffalo" and "Narnia" respectively. The students and the teacher Miss Melissa are working hard but are having great fun getting the shows ready to share with parents in a couple of weeks time.

 The Theatre Make Up ECP is busy learning  skills for our upcoming performances, and here is a little example of what they are doing (SPOILER ALERT FOR THE PARENTS OF CHILDREN IN THE GRUFFALO). A Special thanks to Cora Nieberding for being our very own talented parent make-up artist!

Students have been working on the following program in the Theatrical Make-up ECP:

Theatrical & Fantasy Make-up (Basic) (Semester 2)
The basic program will start with an introduction and exploration of a variety of make-up products and techniques, including:
*  Skin colour matching under stage lights, changing of features, depth & highlight
*  Theatrical ageing
*  Wounds
*  Character & period make-up


So you have had an extra day this week (Mon 29th),  I hope you  used it well (preferably doing something Arty)  and didn't waste it.  So we know we have an extra day every four years to accommodate the extra minutes and seconds accumulated over time but why do they fall in February?

Why does the extra day fall in February?

All the other months in the Julian calendar have 30 or 31 days, but February lost out to the ego of Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus.
Under his predecessor Julius Caesar, February had 30 days and the month named after him - July - had 31. August had only 29 days.
When Caesar Augustus became Emperor he added two days to 'his' month to make August the same as July.
So February lost out to August in the battle of the extra days.

Sounds like a battle of Ego's and the perfect plot for a Shakespearean -esque play